Eyes and eyesight are fascinating! Take the quiz below to see what you already know—or can learn.
1. How many eyes does a worm have?
A. Zero
B. Two
C. Eight
2. Human babies cry, but they don’t produce tears right away. How soon after they are born can babies produce tears?
A. 2 to 5 days
B. 1 to 3 weeks
C. 1 to 3 months
3. Which animal has the largest eyeball on the face of the earth? (Hint: It’s the size of a beach ball)
A. Elephant
B. Giant squid
C. Rhinoceros
4. Which animal is born with fur and with its eyes open?
A. Elephant
B. Giant squid
C. Rhinoceros
5. Which part of the human body has the most active muscles?
A. Heart
B. Leg
C. Eye
6. How long does the blink of an eye last?
A. A tenth of a second
B. One second
C. Ten seconds
7. Myopia is the clinical name for:
A. Nearsightedness
B. Farsightedness
C. 20/20 vision
8. Which of the following are not used in eyeglass lens production?
A. Plastic wrap
B. Plastic
C. Glass
9. How far can an elephant see?
A. 10 yards
B. 100 yards
C. 1000 yards
Answer key: 1. A / 2. C / 3. B / 4. A / 5. C / 6. A/ 7. A/ 8.A/ 9. B
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